O'Donoghue orders review of Murray case handling

The Minister for Justice has ordered a review of the handling of the case of Thomas Murray, who murdered a retired school teacher…

The Minister for Justice has ordered a review of the handling of the case of Thomas Murray, who murdered a retired school teacher, Ms Nancy Nolan, while on temporary release from prison in February this year.

Mr O'Donoghue said he had ordered the review because of the very serious consequences of the temporary release granted in this case and because of the level of public concern it generated.

In a written reply to Mr Paul Connaughton, (FG, Galway East), Mr O'Donoghue said he had appointed Mr John Olden, a retired secretary general of the Department of Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht to undertake the review. Mr Olden has "practical, prior experience of Irish prisons administration" and is currently the Irish member of the council of Europe committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhumane Treatment in custody.

Mr Olden will review all aspects of the handling of the case and the Minister said he would "make the results of Mr Olden's investigations available to the House and the family".


Mr O'Donoghue added that he would "consider carefully any recommendations emerging from this review".