Up to €53m in sports grants not drawn down, says Ring

Difficulties for Minister to obtain Government funding for further rounds as a consequence

Minister of State for Sport Michael Ring: appealed to clubs and organisations granted funding and unable to use it to inform his department. Photograph: Frank Miller/The Irish Times

Some €53 million in Government funding for sports clubs has yet to be drawn down, Minister of State for Sport Michael Ring has said.

He said for a variety of reasons it could take grantees several years to draw down funding, adding that it made it difficult for him to obtain Government resources for further rounds.

Mr Ring appealed to clubs and organisations granted funding and unable to use it to inform his department.

“Many organisations granted funding in the past were unable to secure matching funding because projects were too large. However, clubs are now more realistic.’’


Sinn Féin’s spokeswoman on sport Sandra McLellan said large sums of money remained buried under red tape.

“An office of full-time accountants and lawyers would find it difficult to work its way through some of the red tape involved in this area. Money allocated to one particular club in 2007 has not yet been released, although I understand the department is awaiting further documentation from Dublin City Council.’’


She said credit must be given where it was due. Consecutive sports capital programmes had been a lifeline for many clubs and organisations.

Mr Ring said there had been no funding scheme in place from 2008 to 2012. Clubs and organisations approved to receive grant aid had been given two years from the date of approval, which ran to next January, within which to draw it down. Clubs failing to meet the deadline would have the funding withdrawn. An extension may be granted in the case of clubs undertaking extensive projects.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times