Portugal approves abortion law

Portugal's president Anibal Cavaco Silva endorsed a law to lift the ban on abortion in the first ten weeks of pregnancy today…

Portugal's president Anibal Cavaco Silva endorsed a law to lift the ban on abortion in the first ten weeks of pregnancy today, after it was approved by a majority in parliament last month.

In February, a referendum on the issue failed because too few people turned out to vote. But of those who did vote, most wanted to lift the ban.

"The president cannot remain indifferent to the fact that there were 59.25 per cent of votes to lift the ban on abortion," the presidency said in an online statement.

When the ban is ended, Portugal, a traditionally Catholic country, will join most European countries in allowing abortions. Malta, Ireland and Poland still have highly restrictive abortion laws.


However, Mr Cavaco Silva, a Catholic, said the new law should establish a series of conditions to ensure women are properly informed of the consequences of this "irreversible" act through a compulsory medical appointment.

It would also be important for the biological father to be present at the woman's medical appointment and that the woman be told about alternatives, including giving her child up for adoption.

Portugal's Socialist government now has 60 days to regulate the new law before it can be implemented. The government hopes the new law will reduce an estimated 23,000 clandestine abortions every year.

"After the law is implemented, it should be monitored to evaluate whether it effectively reduces not only the number of clandestine abortions but also the number of abortions in general," the presidency said.