The US Secretary of State has dismissed Iraq's latest offer to allow weapons inspections.
Mr Colin Powell has hinted that President Bush is nearing a decision on how to "deal" with Iraq.
Mr Powell says the Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister's offer to discuss resuming UN searches for weapons of mass destruction is a con trick.
"Tariq Aziz knows perfectly well what must be done," Mr Powell said.
He added: "For years, he has been getting on television and manages to have it reported that they have no such weapons, which is utter nonsense."
When asked about the US position on how it will handle Iraq, Mr Powell said: "The President will articulate it. He will articulate fully and in the near future."
In Washington, the US Defence Secretary said the US has secret information supporting its claims that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is close to developing nuclear weapons.
Mr Donald Rumsfeld hinted that Mr Bush could disclose the information through forthcoming congressional hearings on Iraq.
Meanwhile, British Prime Minister Mr Tony Blair has bucked European public sentiment to voice his support for Washington's stance that Saddam Hussein poses a global threat and must be stopped.
"This is not just an issue for the US It is an issue for Britain and the wider world. America should not have to face this issue alone," he said.