President in world reading of `Ulysses'

The following are the places, readers and times (Irish time) when the global readings will take place:

The following are the places, readers and times (Irish time) when the global readings will take place:

Melbourne, 8 a.m., Brian McInerny

Tokyo, 9 a.m., Prof Shigeo Shimizu, Machiko Fukuoka

Cape Town, 10 a.m., Eamon O Tuathail


Szombathely, 10.30 a.m., Jenos Sebert

Prague, 11 a.m., Dr Justin Quinn

Trieste, 11.30 a.m., John McCourt and Antonia Calenda

Rome, 12 p.m., Fritz Senn

The Hague, 12.30 p.m., John Swift

Paris, 1 p.m., to be announced

London, 2 p.m., Sinead Cusack

Dublin, 3 p.m., The President, Mrs McAleese, Senator David Norris, Ken Monaghan, Edna O'Brien, Paddy Duffy

Rio de Janeiro, 4 p.m., Jose Rache de Almeida, Peter O'Neill

Buenos Aires, 5 p.m., Art Agnew

New York, 6 p.m., Frank McCourt, Fintan O'Toole, Brian F. O'Byrne

Washington DC, 6.30 p.m., Robert McNamara, Kerry Waters

Toronto, 7 p.m., Gerard Plunkett, Mary Durkin and Sean Mulcahy

Mexico City, 8 p.m., Pedro Ojeda Paullada, Juan Banuclos, Raul Ortiz, Juan Ascencio

Los Angeles, 9 p.m., Bairbre Dowling