Protest at incinerator plan for Boyne site

A protest was staged today over plans to build a rubbish incinerator on the historic site of the Battle of the Boyne in Co Louth…

A protest was staged today over plans to build a rubbish incinerator on the historic site of the Battle of the Boyne in Co Louth.

The demonstrators drawn from various community groups are determined to halt the development and called on the Irish Government to stop what they described as "cultural vandalism".

Organiser Mr Brian Hanratty said: "We are protesting at plans to build a large municipal waste incinerator literally right on the footprint of the battle site and just minutes from Newgrange."

He said if the scheme went ahead it would be "an appalling folly and an appalling act of cultural vandalism".


The Battle of the Boyne is annually celebrated by Orangemen in Northern Ireland - marking as it does the victory of Protestant King William of Orange over Catholic King James.

The site has been developed in recent years as a tourist attraction and the Orange Order will be horrified if the incinerator scheme goes ahead.