PARIS - A French Jewish leader has called for new court action against extreme right politician Mr Jean Marie Le Pen for repeating a comment that gas chambers were a mere detail of the second World War.
US magazine the New Yorker asked Mr Le Pen about a comment he made in 1987 saying gas chambers were a mere detail in wartime history and for which he was subsequently sentenced by French courts to pay heavy damages to war victims' groups. He replied. "The gas chambers have nothing to do with anti-Semitism. When I say that the gas chambers are a detail of the history of the second World War, it's obvious.
"If you take a book on the second World War of a thousand pages, you will have four pages on deportation to concentration camps and on these four pages you have six lines on the gas chambers," he said. "If it's national and patriotic ideology that is the basis of Nazism, then Netanyahu is a super Hitler," Mr Le Pen said.
Denying he was a racist, he was quoted as saying. "What do I have to do not to be racist? Marry a black woman? With AIDS if possible?"