PSNI detective in appeal over UDA murder

A senior PSNI detective has said that people in Carrickfergus are protecting loyalist paramilitary killers by withholding information…

A senior PSNI detective has said that people in Carrickfergus are protecting loyalist paramilitary killers by withholding information on a murder that happened in the town in February.

Members of the loyalist Ulster Defence Association (UDA) are believed to have carried out the killing of Mr Thomas Hollran in Carrickfergus, Co Antrim,  after false allegations had been made that he had indecently exposed himself.

Mr Hollran was found lying in an alleyway and died in hospital a day later.

Superintendent Kevin Dunwoody, who is leading the investigation, said: "Thomas Hollran was forced to leave Carrick because the UDA accused him of indecent exposure. "I want to make it a matter of public record that this accusation is untrue. He was an innocent man.


"I do not believe that paramilitaries of any brand have any mandate to speak for the people of Carrickfergus or to stand in judgement over any person, no matter what they are alleged to have done."

Two men have been charged with intimidation linked to the allegations.

Mr Dunwoody said. "It is sad that local people who saw or know what happened that night have not come forward with the information we need. "By not coming forward, they are protecting paramilitary killers.

"No-one deserves to die the way Thomas Hollran did. "There are people in Carrick who have information which would provide police with the crucial evidence to charge those responsible for his murder.

"They owe it to themselves, to the Hollran family and to the community to do the right thing and come forward."

The detective leading the murder inquiry insisted the victim's reputation was wrongly tarnished.