Q&A Stem cells

A brief explanation of stem cells.

A brief explanation of stem cells.

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are a universal cell type that in some circumstances, particularly in the embryo, can change into any of the dozens of cell types in the body.

Where do they come from?


The most versatile stem cells come from the embryo, but stem cells can also be recovered from adult tissues. These less readily convert into tissues other than those in which they are found.

What are they good for?

Medical researchers believe that stem cells can be made to change into any tissue type, allowing them to be used to repair damage caused by accident or disease.

Are there treatments now?

There are no proven stem cell treatments available as yet but untested and potentially unsafe treatments are being offered in various countries including Ireland. They are usually very expensive and could produce unexpected results.

When will there be treatments?

Early human trials are underway using stem cells to repair damage caused by heart attacks. If proven effective they will go into larger tests to ensure safety.