R na G journalist refused US visa for Cowen visit

An Irish journalist intending to travel today to New York to cover the visit by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Cowen, to…

An Irish journalist intending to travel today to New York to cover the visit by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Cowen, to the United Nations has been refused a visa by the US Immigration and Naturalisation Service.

An effort by the Department of Foreign Affairs yesterday to resolve the difficulties of Mr Eoin ╙ Murchu, political correspondent of Radio na Gaeltachta, failed to secure any change of heart by the US authorities.

"I was a member of the Communist Party, but I can't imagine that that could be the problem in this day and age," said Mr ╙ Murchu, who was last in the US in 1972.

When he contacted the US embassy in Dublin seeking a reporter's visa, "they said that my name had come on a computer, but they couldn't say why," he told The Irish Times last night.


"The only thing that I can think of is that I travelled back through Canada the last time and did not hand that little piece of paper that they give you when you arrived," he said. Mr ╙ Murchu had intended to work in New York and Washington for five days.

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times