Red FM launched in Cork city

Red FM, the state’s newest commercial radio station, went on air this morning at 8 a.m. following 12 months of preparation.

Red FM, the state’s newest commercial radio station, went on air this morning at 8 a.m. following 12 months of preparation.

Backed by a number of high-profile investors including the Examiner newspapers and Dublin’s FM 104, Red FM is targeting the 15 to 34-year-old market in direct competition with 2FM and Today FM in the south of the country.

However, Red FM’s promotional material and round-the-clock programming is aimed specifically at the younger end of the market segment with the oldest listener quoted in its focus group research as 31.

According to Ms Aoife Duggan, marketing manager with the station, response from the public to the launch of the station has been overwhelming with over 600 SMS messages of good luck received by the station within the first five minutes of airtime.


Over the next week, a series of street events coupled 20-second advertising slots on TV3, Sky One and Network 2 will promote the station throughout the south of the country, although the station can be accessed as far north as Port Laoise.

"The response from the public so far has been phenomenal," Ms Duggan said.

"This morning's launch is the culmination of 12 months' work and to receive the ammount of support we have had this morning is very encouraging."

Listeners can access Red FM at 106FM in Cork city and 104 elsewhere.