Retailers report surge in sales

Retailers say the good weather has led to a notable increase in the sales of "outdoor items", writes Hélène Hofman.

Retailers say the good weather has led to a notable increase in the sales of "outdoor items", writes Hélène Hofman.

The Dublin City Business Association has witnessed a rise in pedestrian traffic in Dublin city centre over the last two weeks. "Usually when the weather is good people go to the beach, but they still seem to be hitting the shops," according to association chief executive Tom Coffey.

The association recorded pedestrian footfall figures of 4.08 million people in the city centre last week and four million the previous week; an increase of about 4 to 5 per cent on figures from previous few years, Mr Coffey says.

However, while sales of ice cream and linen are up, few consumers are buying autumn or winter stock. Tesco Ireland says it has seen a huge increase in the sales of garden furniture, barbecues, barbecue meats, sun cream, soft drinks, beer and wine, compared to other years.


Water guns have also surged in popularity with many toyshops selling outtheir stock.

Not all businesses are benefiting from the good weather.

Cineworld cinema says it has noticed a significant fall-off in customers in the last few weeks. Summer blockbusters such as Superman and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest are continuing to draw large crowds but smaller releases are struggling.

Meanwhile, the National Irish Safety Organisation has asked employers "to be reasonable" when asking employees to work in the hot weather. The organisation says that although there is no legal maximum temperature, no employee should be asked to work in temperatures of more than 27 degrees. They also recommend that cold water be made available to workers and that dress codes be relaxed in offices, while outdoor workers should be provided with sun block.

Met Éireann is predicting the heatwave will break by the weekend, with heavy rain forecast for Friday and Saturday.