Rezoning of 350 acres sanctioned in South Dublin

The manager of South Dublin County Council, Mr Joe Horan, has recommended the rezoning of almost 350 acres of land for industry…

The manager of South Dublin County Council, Mr Joe Horan, has recommended the rezoning of almost 350 acres of land for industry and housing.

The proposed rezonings, which are on top of any already included in the current draft development plan for South Dublin, will be considered by newly elected county councillors in July.

About 150 submissions were made to the council. The extent of rezoning submissions reveals growing pressure for more housing, even at the agricultural fringes of South Dublin.

Mr Horan rejected most of the applications, specifically those for lands in the Liffey Valley. This was welcomed by Lucan councillor Mr Derek Keating, who said there was "growing momentum" for the creation of a Liffey Valley National Park.


Mr Horan's report on submissions and observations received under the draft plan does recommend changes in zoning in the case of lands owned by a number of prominent builders.

Castlethorn Construction applied to have 34 acres of its land in Lucan rezoned for housing. Mr Horan recommended the change, citing the need for additional residential land and the proximity of the Kildare railway line.

Almost 20 acres owned by Durkan New Homes Ltd at Boherboy Road, Tallaght, have also been recommended.

Cavan Developments sought the rezoning of almost 20 acres at Broadfield Manor in Rathcoole; part of this land at the entrance of the existing Broadfield estate has been recommended for rezoning.

About 40 acres owned by Citywest Ltd, developer Mr Jim Mansfield's company, is recommended for housing development.

However, proposals by HSS Ltd, another of Mr Mansfield's companies, for lands at Saggart and Rathcoole, were rejected. Mr Mansfield's plan to develop a convention centre at Citywest is included as a specific objective in the plan.

Mr Pat Conway sought to have 105 acres at Baldonnel rezoned for industry or housing. Mr Horan recommended these lands be rezoned for industry, except for an area affected by the restricted security zone around Baldonnel airport.

Menolly Homes sought the rezoning of 115 acres to the north of Main Street in Newcastle. A limited area was sanctioned.

Also in Newcastle, nine acres owned by Farrell Brothers has been recommended for rezoning to industry.

Mr Horan also recommended the rezoning for housing of 10 acres owned by Mr Patrick Reilly at Saggart.

Applications by a number of religious organisations were rejected. These included the Victory Christian Fellowship at Firhouse, the Order of Saint Augustine at Ballyboden and the same order's lands at Ballycullen.

Apart from rezoning, which accounted for one-quarter of submissions, transport and housing were next most frequently-raised concerns.

South Dublin had a population of 239,000 in the 2002 census, and this is projected to rise to over 253,000 by 2010.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.