RIA seeks coherent language strategy

The absence of a coherent language learning strategy in the Republic’s primary and secondary schools is damaging the State’s …

The absence of a coherent language learning strategy in the Republic’s primary and secondary schools is damaging the State’s competitiveness internationally according to a report published today by the Royal Irish Academy (RIA).

The National Languages Strategy document, put together by the RIA’s committee for Modern Language, Literary and Culture Studies, pointed out that the Republic was the only country in Europe, with the exception of Scotland, where a foreign language was not compulsory at any stage in the main education curriculum. According to the report, Ireland has the highest proportion of citizens in the EU who say they do not know any other language apart from their native tongue.

It said an increased emphasis on language learning for children as young as four-years-old would increase creativity, empathy and problem solving skills. It warned that “one of the biggest threats facing language education in Ireland is the gradual erosion of the NUI third language matriculation requirement.”

It said that if students were not required to prove a certain degree of competence in a language other than Irish and English as a requirement for attending university it “would have serious consequences for the sustainability of languages at all levels, a situation which would ultimately undermine Ireland’s status and competiveness in global terms.”


According to the report, the Department of Education needs to “formulate a coherent languages-in-education policy” and provide “adequate resources” as a matter of urgency.

Prof Maeve Conrick of the RIA expressed optimism that the report would be welcomed by the Government particularly as many of the recommendations could be implemented at little cost to the exchequer.

"While we would like to see greater emphasis placed on teacher training and would love to be able to equip schools with the latest computer aided language learning technology we don't expect a huge investment to be made available," she told The Irish Times.

“All the research shows that the earlier you start learning a language the better you are at it,” she said and added that there were ways of “rejigging the system” to facilitate classes during the regular school day.

She said the research showed that language learning was linked to enhanced skills including greater empathy and creativity and improved problem solving skills “all of which are essential when it comes to innovation”.

She said that while it would be easier to introduce French into the system because more graduates had competency in that language, it did not really matter which languages students were taught.. “There are real and tangible benefits irrespective of what the language being taught is,” she said.

Conor Pope

Conor Pope

Conor Pope is Consumer Affairs Correspondent, Pricewatch Editor