Roche's delighted parents say she is `sincere and non-political'

The parents of Ms Adi Roche, who is expected to be nominated as a presidential candidate by the Labour Party today say their …

The parents of Ms Adi Roche, who is expected to be nominated as a presidential candidate by the Labour Party today say their daughter would be a good president as she is non-political and sincere. Her surprised but delighted parents said at their home in Clonmel, Co Tipperary, yesterday that they were proud of her. Ms Roche, who made her reputation through pioneering the Chernobyl Children's Project, is likely to be officially declared the Labour Party candidate today.

Her mother, Mrs Christina Roche, described hearing the news as a surprise. "Actually, it was a bombshell. We're still staggering under it, but it's a wonderful honour, of course."

Mr Sean Roche, her father who is 81 and retired, said that his daughter was not interested in status. She had a one-track mind and the children were all she was interested in.

"She's not interested in politics and not a bit interested in status," Mr Roche commented.


Mr Roche described what his daughter was like as a child. "She was very involved. She cried very easily when she was a child, not in grievance, but if she heard a sad story, even if for instance a dog died, her eyes would fill with tears. She had that sympathy, that empathy, even then.

"Of course, we are very proud of her and naturally would like to see her as president. Mary Robinson gave a reception in the Park and we went and so we got a look at the place. But we're not public people."

Mr Roche said that they were a Fianna Fail family and that he had always wanted his daughter to go into politics but she had never been interested. She was very good at debating and made no notes.

Mrs Roche said that last week when she heard about the talk and all the jockeying for position, she had thought: "Thank God she's not in it." Now they were proud.

As to the possibility of her daughter becoming president, Mrs Roche said: "I would imagine she will be good. She is sincere and non-political."

Meanwhile, Ms Ali Hewson issued a joint statement with her husband, U2 lead singer, Bono: "She is young. She is smart. She is green. She is a woman in the tradition of Mary Robinson who has stood up to obvious wrongs. She has a deep connection with people at all levels of Irish society and has an ability to communicate their concerns here and abroad. She is a great friend of ours and we would be delighted to see her as President."