Rosco McQueen, Sony PlayStation, £34.99

The 1970s fire-fighting hero Red Adare is apparently the inspiration behind this latest project from Slippery Snake Productions…

The 1970s fire-fighting hero Red Adare is apparently the inspiration behind this latest project from Slippery Snake Productions, but it's more like a tribute to Steve McQueen's role as fire chief in the movie Towering Inferno.

You play Rosco McQueen "first man on the scene" and with only your trusty axe and fire extinguisher to save you from the hellfire that is Tower XS - the world's tallest building - the heat is well and truly on.

Luckily he also has a companion to help him in his quest to thwart Sylvester T-Square's twisted plans. Digit is an intelligent droid who acts as Rosco's personal assistant and when Rosco locates civilians, Digit beams them to safety, Star Trek style.

As in most games, you start at the beginning, which in this instance means the laundry (or basement). From here you must work your way up through 15 levels to the splendour of the penthouse apartments.


On his way up through the skyscraper, Rosco must overcome 12 fire hazards, including backdrafts, flame-overs, smoke and electrical fires. In addition, Sylvester TSquare's robots, are littered throughout the game and their aim is to stop you in your tracks.

The game starts off gently with plenty of power-ups to keep you going. However, as you progress things become a trifle harder, with less power-ups and more to do. You may have to complete an area within a time limit, and the puzzle element also increases in difficulty as you proceed.

Rosco McQueen has an in-built game-save feature if you have a memory card but it also provides passwords at the end of each section. As 3D adventures go, it isn't a bad effort, representing ideal family entertainment. In fact, it is quite good and you can quickly get to grips with it without trudging through a manual.

Graphics: 89% Sound: 82% Gameplay: 90%