Russia promises aid to Palestinian Authority

Russia said today it had promised emergency aid to the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority which warns it faces economic collapse…

Russia said today it had promised emergency aid to the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority which warns it faces economic collapse after direct funding was cut off by the United States and the European Union.

A foreign ministry statement said the offer came in a phone conversation yesterday between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

"Mahmoud Abbas highly appreciated the intention of Russia, confirmed by Lavrov, to grant the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority urgent financial aid in the nearest time," it said.

Mr Lavrov has previously said that halting aid was a mistake though he has urged Hamas to meet the demands of international mediators.


The United States and the European Union halted direct aid to the Palestinian Authority and Israel has frozen the transfer of tax and customs receipts.

They are demanding that Hamas recognise Israel, end violence and accept peace accords.

Mr Abbas this week warned that the Palestinian Authority faced economic collapse unless it received aid soon.