Ryanair responds to Ahern comments

Ryanair tonight rejected the Taoiseach's accusation that the budget airline's chief executive Mr Michael O'Leary was engaging…

Ryanair tonight rejected the Taoiseach's accusation that the budget airline's chief executive Mr Michael O'Leary was engaging in bullying tactics, in what is developing into a game of tit for tat over the proposed break up of Aer Rianta

In a statement the company claimed it was responding to Mr Ahern's "personal attack" earlier today by highlighting the Government's "failure...to produce the legislation to break-up the Aer Rianta monopoly and introduce a competing terminal at Dublin Airport..."

Mr Ahern then told RTE News it wasn't for him to "keep O'Leary happy" and re-iterated his view that Dublin, Shannon and Cork airports should remain state owned, regardless of whether they are separated into single companies.

However, Mr O'Leary described this position as succumbing to pressure from trade unions.


He said: "When the entire tourism industry tourism industry including Hotels, Restaurants, Airlines and Tourist Boards have repeatedly called for the break-up of the Aer Rianta monopoly, the only people 'bullying' Bertie are his Trade Union pals at Dublin Airport."