Salinas to quit Dow Jones - paper

MEXICO CITY - The former Mexican president, Mr Carlos Salinas de Gortari, will leave the board of directors of the Dow Jones …

MEXICO CITY - The former Mexican president, Mr Carlos Salinas de Gortari, will leave the board of directors of the Dow Jones company next April, a Mexican newspaper, El Universal, has reported.

Meanwhile the text of Mr Salinas's Wednesday statements to a special prosecutor in Dublin has been released. In it Mr Salinas says: "The leaks and accusations that have circulated against me in relation to the murder of Luis Donaldo Colosio are absolutely false and irresponsible." He denied there had been a rift between himself and the murdered presidential candidate nor any breakdown in their relationship.

Mr Luis Raul Gonzalez Perez, the special prosecutor handling the Colosio investigation, said the focus of the questioning of Mr Salinas was as a witness, not as a suspect.

The Salinas statement made banner front page headlines in yesterday's Mexican papers.


Speaking to Korean television in Seoul, President Ernesto Zedillo refused to enter into the debate.