Sell yourself!

Maggie Cronin , writer and performer of Greenstick Boy

Maggie Cronin, writer and performer of Greenstick Boy

Why should anybody see your show?Because they'll laugh, they'll cry and be a wee bit harrowed by the end. They'll hold their loved ones just a little tighter afterwards. In a nice way.

We need convincing. What have you done for us lately?How could you ask that? You know full well.

What else could we do for the cost of your ticket?You could donate the money to a good cause. But you're more likely to donate after seeing my show, because it will reaffirm the value of life and love. And you'll hear Pretty Vacantagain. Priceless.


How, specifically, will your show change the world?It'll put Dagenham on your map of Ireland. And cure feisanna-damaged people the world over.

What would your ideal poster quote say?" Greenstick Boy– Punk, Irish dancing, heroin addiction . . . Something for everyone." AND "We laughed. We cried. We saw it again. And again."

Maggie Cronin’s

Greenstick Boy

runs at Bewley’s Café Theatre from Sepember 20 to 25 as part of ABSOLUT Fringe 2010


Laurence Mackin is blogging all week on the Dublin Fringe Festival. Read his views or post a comment, at