Sea angler in helicopter rescue

A SEA angler who was washed offshore in west Cork was rescued by an Irish Coast Guard helicopter at the weekend.

A SEA angler who was washed offshore in west Cork was rescued by an Irish Coast Guard helicopter at the weekend.

The 28-year-old man had been angling with a companion near Roscarbery, Co Cork, on Saturday when a wave took him out to sea. The alarm was raised by his friend, while the man tried to swim back to shore.

An Irish Coast Guard Sikorsky helicopter based at Shannon was tasked as it was on exercise off Slea Head, Co Kerry, at the time. The Castlefreke Coast Guard unit was also tasked and managed to get a line to the man, who had made it to an exposed rock before the helicopter arrived.

“He was in a very precarious position on a rock, and we saw one wave breaking completely over him as we approached the location,” said Irish Coast Guard airman Jim O’Neill.


The helicopter – crewed by pilot Capt Derek Nequest, co-pilot Micheál Moriarty, winch operator Paul Truss and winchman Jim O’Neill – carried out the rescue using an extended cable. Airman O’Neill managed to reach the man and winch him aboard.

The rescued man was suffering from shock and hypothermia and was flown to Cork airport. He was transferred by ambulance to Cork University Hospital.

Meanwhile in Co Wicklow, a 72- year-old hill walker was rescued near the summit of Lugnaquillia on Saturday afternoon suffering from chest pains. An Irish Coast Guard helicopter flew him to Tallaght Hospital.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times