Over 1.3 million postcards demanding the closure of the Sellafield nuclear plant are being delivered today to Mr Tony Blair, Prince Charles and British Nuclear Fuels chief executive Mr Norman Askew.
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Ali Hewson delivering a postcard to No 10 Downing Street today
Ms Ali Hewson, who is behind the campaign, delivered one of the pre-paid postcards through the letter box of No 10 Downing Street today showing a human eye with the words "Tony, look me in the eye and tell me I'm safe".
Speaking outside Downing Street, Ms Hewson, the wife of U2 singer Bono, said: "I wanted to deliver this card in person today. There are millions of people in Britain who live as close to Sellafield as we do and the risks are great".
She said a recent study by the European parliament reported Sellafield has the potential to be 80 times more hazardous than the disaster that took place at Chernobyl in 1986.
Ms Hewson said: "This is an issue of acute, personal concern to every Irish resident and it is a shock and a disgrace that even though we live in an anti-nuclear country, we have no say in this issue. "This is our chance to let the ordinary men and women of this country make their feelings known at the breakfast tables of the most influential people in Britain".
Campaigners for the "Shut Sellafield" campaign say the plant has destroyed marine life and is at major risk from accidents or terrorist attack.