Shark yarn may be one that got away

Australia: As fishy tales go, Scott Wright's was a good one.

Australia:As fishy tales go, Scott Wright's was a good one.

The 34-year-old Australian made headlines around the world last week when he said he had fought off a shark while swimming off Sydney's Bondi Beach.

"The shark attacked me, grabbed hold of my arm and wouldn't let go," said Wright. "So I ended up punching him in the nose and trying to fight him off," he said, displaying frightening gash marks on his arm. "I thought I was a goner. I thought I was going to die."

It would have been the first shark attack at Bondi in 70 years, and one of the first at any popular Australian beach since nets were installed in 1936.


It now appears that Wright sustained his deep wounds while attempting to smash his way through a window. The homeless man is in custody after being charged with theft-related offences. He faced court in Sydney on Wednesday.

Police alleged that, earlier this week, Wright entered a room at a Bondi hostel and stole two wallets and a set of keys before making his getaway in a stolen Holden Rodeo.

Wright also faced charges relating to an arrest warrant issued in 2004 after he failed to appear in court over assault and trespass charges. He will remain in custody until February 14th, when he is due in court again.

Australian police say Wright may have made up the shark story to explain his wounds.