Sinn Fein criticises FF over coalition stance

Sinn Féin have today criticised Fianna Fáil over its attitude to a possible coalition with Sinn Féin following the General Election…

Sinn Féin have today criticised Fianna Fáil over its attitude to a possible coalition with Sinn Féin following the General Election.

Speaking to

this afternoon, Sinn Féin TD Mr Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin said Fianna Fáil’s objection to a possible coalition was at odds with its participation with Sinn Féin’s two Northern Ireland Ministers on various cross-border bodies.


Mr Ó Caoláin said today's Irish Times/MRBI poll has fed into the Fianna Fáil fear that his party are becoming an "ever-more relevant political force".

Sinn Féin was committed to holding an ardfheis following the General Election to decide on the best option for the party, he said.

Earlier today, the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs, Mr Dermot Ahern, ruled out a coalition with Sinn Féin because of Sinn Féin’s "adherence to an army". He added: "That link is still there whether they say it publicly or not". Therefore, Fianna Fáil will not do business with them, he said.

On the Abortion referendum, Mr Ahern said a decision would be taken very quickly. "We will more than likely have a referendum and it will be in the not too distant future," he said. He said, though, the final Government decision has not yet been made.

He admitted consensus on the proposed legislation was not as good as had been hoped. But he denied the party was trying to distance itself from the Bill in the event the referendum is defeated.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times