Smurfit tells Moriarty tribunal of Haughey donation

Dr Michael Smurfit made an unexpected and unscheduled appearance at the Moriarty tribunal this afternoon.

Dr Michael Smurfit made an unexpected and unscheduled appearance at the Moriarty tribunal this afternoon.

In his evidence the multi-millionaire businessman said that Mr Charles Haughey had directly solicited a £60,000 sterling donation from him in 1989 despite denials from the former taoiseach that he had ever done so.

He said he remembered talking to Mr Haughey because he specifically remembered that Mr Haughey was looking for "considerably more money" while he wanted to give less.

The donation was made by Dr Smurfit for the Fianna Fáil party in 1989 but it never arrived in Ireland and was lodged to a Des Traynor-controlled account in Ansbacher Cayman bank in London, according to Dr Smurfit.


Mr Traynor was Mr Haughey's personal financial adviser and accountant at the time.

Questioned as to why the donation was issued from a trust in Monaco and sent to London, from where it was to be sent on to Ireland, Dr Smurfit said he had been instructed to use this route by Mr Traynor.

"I think part of it was to cloud the route", Dr Smurfit said, "to make it as discreet as possible".

He also indicated that this was the only donation of several political donations he had made over the years that had followed this route.

Dr Smufit has now completed his evidence before the Moriarty tribunal, which continues this afternoon.