THE death last week of Lance Bombardier Stephen Restorick, was commemorated by wreaths handed in to the British Embassy in Dublin yesterday by the Peace Train Organisation and STOP (Solidarity to Organise Peace), which was formed after the Canary Wharf explosion last year.
The Peace Train Organisation praised the injured woman, Ms Lorraine McElroy, for her courage in speaking out against the atrocity. "We also salute the courage of local people who left flowers at the scene of this terrible murder, knowing of course how they can be intimidated by others."
STOP said it told the ambassador that the death of the soldier "was greeted with revulsion by overwhelming majority of Irish people and that this act was not carried out in their name". It supported another inquiry into the deaths on Bloody Sunday in Derry in view of the compelling new evidence and said such an inquiry could only help in the drive for peace.