Special unit set up to advise on work opportunities

A SPECIAL unit to identify training and educational opportunities for the unemployed has been established by Minister for Social…

A SPECIAL unit to identify training and educational opportunities for the unemployed has been established by Minister for Social and Family Affairs Mary Hanafin.

Fifty facilitators are now in place in social welfare offices. They will work with Fás and other agencies to identify and access training and development opportunities.

Yesterday Ms Hanafin met the facilitators at a cross- departmental seminar in Dublin attended by representatives of Fás, guidance counsellors and adult education and guidance experts.

The co-ordinator for the session was The Irish Timescareers expert Brian Mooney .


He said: "There are literally thousands of courses and training options available right throughout the country which will continue to meet the future needs of a higher skilled and competitive workforce.

"Websites like Qualifax.ie walk people through the options whether they are considering returning to second level, or higher and further education. This website is available for everyone to use, not just professionals working in career guidance."

Ms Hanafin said she was delighted that "we have this opportunity for officials in the Department of Social and Family Affairs to engage with a range of agencies and services. These frontline staff deal with customers who may, for the first time in their lives, experience losing a job.

"It is only through being flexible and adaptable and having the right advice to steer jobseekers on a new career path or course option that we can ensure we keep pace with the ever changing demands of the modern workforce."

Seán Flynn

Seán Flynn

The late Seán Flynn was education editor of The Irish Times