Sudanese planes attack Darfur

Sudanese government aircraft, army and militia attacked three towns in West Darfur state today, causing heavy civilian casualties…

Sudanese government aircraft, army and militia attacked three towns in West Darfur state today, causing heavy civilian casualties, Darfur rebels and witnesses said.

"The government attacked the town of Abu Surouj this morning ... a direct attack with cars and horses and bombardment," Darfur rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) commander Abdel Aziz el-Nur Ashr said from Darfur.

"Now they have continued their aggression to three towns ... including Suleia." He put the initial death toll at around 200 but said it was hard to tell because the army was still there.

The governor of West Darfur state Abu el-Gasim confirmed the armed forces had moved on Sirba, Suleia and Abu Surouj - the last a city of some 150,000 people that also houses displaced people from other attacks - to retake them from the rebels.


But he denied any casualties or bombing.

"There were a few houses burnt but no wounded and no civilians have been killed. I was following the situation carefully," he said.

Residents of el-Geneina, the state capital, said they could hear Antonov planes flying nearby and had seen helicopters. Darfur rebels say they controlled the area north of el-Geneina, where they have often fought army troops, and which aid workers have been forbidden from entering.

Ashr had said previously that the rebels had expected the attacks because Khartoum had again mobilised militia groups, known locally as Janjaweed, in the area.