Suspect farms in North cleared

The three farms in Northern Ireland that sent pigs to the Essex abattoir where the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease was first…

The three farms in Northern Ireland that sent pigs to the Essex abattoir where the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease was first detected have been declared disease-free by Northern Ireland Ministry of Agriculture vets.

Movement restrictions were also lifted on almost half of 100 farms affected by precautionary measures introduced last week.

The Ulster Farmers Union (UFU) welcomed the news and the tightening of measures at air and sea ports to prevent the disease being brought in from Britain.

Northern Ireland Agriculture Minister Mrs Brid Rodgers, who attended a meeting of EU ministers in Brussels to discuss the issue, put off a statement to Assembly members at Stormont to attend a crisis meeting called by British Prime Minister Mr Tony Blair in Downing Street.


Despite the good news for farmers, the EU say they will not lift the export ban in Northern Ireland for at least another week.

The UFU says a regional status for Northern Ireland - which would allow them to start exporting again - remains the key target for the local industry.

The province's Chief Veterinary Officer presented the EU Standing Veterinary Committee with the evidence of measures taken to keep the region disease free.

UFO President Mr Douglas Rowe says it is essential the EU lifts export restrictions on Northern Ireland at the earliest possible opportunity.