Swiss women urge No vote to treaty

Swiss women's groups have issued two open letters urging Irish women to vote against the Nice Treaty.

Swiss women's groups have issued two open letters urging Irish women to vote against the Nice Treaty.

The letters pledge the solidarity of Swiss women in opposing European integration and NATO, drawing parallels between the recent vote in Switzerland rejecting membership of the EU and the Nice referendum.

In a letter signed by the Forum of Women for Direct Democracy, Mothers for Direct Democracy, Women for a Better Future and Women's Forum for Peace, the groups expressed concerns about the EU's Rapid Reaction Force and NATO.

The letter claimed the treaty provided for the militarisation of the EU and said: "Ireland is famous the world over for its peacekeeping role. Can it be possible that Irish citizens now wish to change this much-admired role of their army and to give up their neutrality?" It also asks whether Irish people want their army to be sent to war under NATO or the EU.


A second letter "from a Swiss woman" warns: "In Ireland now the planned `two-tier' approach of Nice to creating an EU super-state is nothing else but dictatorship and accepting a militarised EU."

The group draws parallels between a coming vote in Switzerland to change military law there, which it claims would be a big step to joining NATO, and says: "Accepting this new military law or accepting Nice would mean selling out our freedom to EU and NATO".