Taxi drivers stage protest outside Dempsey's office

Taxi drivers staged an hour long protest outside the Department of Transport in Dublin this morning to highlight their concerns…

Taxi drivers staged an hour long protest outside the Department of Transport in Dublin this morning to highlight their concerns about the future of the industry.

The drivers, who are members of Siptu, are campaigning to secure the right to an appeals process on decisions made by the taxi regulator. They are also calling for a cap to be placed on the number of new taxi licenses granted in the State each year.

They say members of the industry have no rights when it comes to decision made by the regulator and that urgent action is needed to assist drivers.

Siptu taxi branch organiser Jerry Brennan said the drivers will continue to take action until they receive a response from the Minister for Transport Noel Dempsey.


"There is an advisory council to the Commission for Taxi Regulation but it is precisely that, advisory. There is no requirement on the regulator to take that advice," he said.

"We are seeking an independent appeals board that will be able to hear appeals from decisions of the regulator."

Taxi drivers claim that since the deregulation of licensing in 2000 the number of taxis in Dublin alone has "gone beyond the ridiculous", with Siptu estimating the figure has increased from approximately 2,000 to 25,000.

Siptu said the economic downturn has driven many newly redundant people into the taxi industry and that competition for fares is making it almost impossible for many drivers to earn a living without working lengthy hours.

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times