TD calls for statement on loyalist ceasefire status

Fine Gael last night called on the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Mr Peter Mandelson, to make a statement on the status…

Fine Gael last night called on the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Mr Peter Mandelson, to make a statement on the status of the loyalist ceasefire following the escalation of inter-loyalist feuding in recent days.

The party's spokesman on Nor thern Ireland, Mr Brian Hayes, said the killing of two people in Belfast yesterday must surely put a question mark over the permanence of the loyalist ceasefire.

"The appalling violence which was seen in Belfast today and resulted in the death of two people clearly violates the stated ceasefire of loyalist organisations, but these actions are also clear violations of the Mitchell principles which all parties have subscribed to," he said.

Mr Hayes said it should not be forgotten that significant benefits had accrued to many members of the UVF and the UDA in terms of the early release of prisoners. "The release programme is conditional upon good behaviour for such individuals. It is clear to me that since the release of many prominent loyalists, feuding and increased sectarian attacks on Catholic families have intensified. Someone should be held to account," he said.


The Dublin West TD said yesterday's violence marked a further attack on the peace process. "It will only heighten tension in both sides of the community and should be roundly condemned by all concerned."