British airports operator BAA said today the effects of the terror attacks in the United States are still affecting its business.
The company says passenger numbers were 10.6 per cent lower last month than in November 2000. Passenger traffic on North Atlantic routes was down by more than a quarter.
Traffic on other long-haul routes fell by 12.7 per cent, although BAA says there were signs of improvement.
BAA said Stansted, Edinburgh and Glasgow were again the best performers in November, fuelled by the success of budget airlines. Passengers volumes at Stansted were up 7.2 per cent, with growth of 8.2 per cent in Edinburgh and 3.3 per cent at Glasgow.
Heathrow and Gatwick continued to be the worst affected by the impact of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
The BAA said last year's figures for the month were helped by people choosing to fly domestic air routes due to the chaos on the railways.
British domestic traffic last month was 7.9 per cent lower year-on-year.