"The use of the Internet and development of e-commerce applications require the development of digital literacy and strong IT skills. Some European academic establishments are not offering a curriculum that addresses the future. More help and support is needed from governments to encourage universities and business schools to use and teach new technologies and ways of doing business. There must be strong co-operation with industry. . .or they cannot fully understand industry's changing needs."
- The President and CEO of Intel Corporation, Craig Barret speaking on a recent visit to Europe.
"In the race for security and privacy for all consumers of Information Technology, this is an important first step towards a more sensible long-term policy. . .The ready availability of market-driven encryption technology is crucial for the growth of electronic commerce in the US, in Europe and elsewhere in the world."
- The Vice-President and Managing Director of Business Software Alliance Europe, Emilia Knight, responding to the US Vice President Al Gore's announcement that the US Government has plans to relax its encryption policy.
Computimes is edited by Tom Moriarty. Monitor compiled by Conor Pope. Send email only (no attachments, faxes or letters please) to computimes@irish-times.ie (private correspondence should be marked NOT FOR PUBLICATION).