It's a good omen for Sunday, the villagers of Terryglass believe. According to locals, the second Tidy Towns Competition win in 14 years will give Tipperary's hurlers a great boost when they take on Clare in the All-Ireland Final. A banner "Tiobrad Arann Abu" hangs from a pole on Paddy's Bar and now they can put up another with the winning statement "Tir Dha Glas Abu". A grey stone plaque and a sculpture of a heron stand in remembrance of the 1983 win. Now they have done it again in a village that is well-kept but not fussy. Its two pubs, craft shop and gallery, community centre, school and cluster of houses make up the centrepiece of the visitor attraction village on Lough Derg.
There was silence among the locals in Paddy's Bar as the Minister for the Environment, Mr Dempsey, began his speech before announcing the overall winner. "Read it out", one young local whispered. The tension was tangible and when the winner was announced a great cheer rose up in one part of the bar as tourists ate in another section wondering what all the fuss was about. "We won it," one local woman explained to a visitor, who replied: "I gather that".
Ms Mary Comerford, the pub proprietor, said: "It's unbelievable. I'm so thrilled for the people of Terryglass and my husband Michael who is chairman of the committee. It's a tribute to the people and their community spirit. The FAS people also played an important role".
Regulars pointed out that the children also played their part and Mr Dinny Hogan (84), the oldest man in the village, said he came to the pub because "I knew they were going to win".
Mr Basil Lennane said it was a great night for Terryglas and the local community, "and now it's the All-Ireland next".