First published in 1959, this one pre-dates the Aubrey-Maturin novels, but O'Brian fans will see in the book's protagonist, Jack Byron, a matter-of-fact, hearty precursor to the inimitable Jack Aubrey. The story is concerned with the Wager, an ill-fated ship on Anson's expedition to circumnavigate the globe, which, separated from the rest of the squadron, is blown on to rocks and sinks off the coast of Chile. Faced with a surplus of rum, a fast-disappearing stock of food, and a brutal captain, Jack and his friend, the young surgeon's mate and botanist, Tobias Barrow, have to step lively in order merely to survive. As usual O'Brian fills out his narrative with details of the naval life, of natural history, and of the social and political background of the time. A stilted prose style suits rather than detracts from the tale. This is one to read slowly and to savour.