
Georg Buchner, German doctor-playwright, died in 1837 at the age of 24 from typhoid fever

Georg Buchner, German doctor-playwright, died in 1837 at the age of 24 from typhoid fever. Although his dramatic output was tiny, it became influential after his death and used as a model by adherents of expressionism. He is best known for the tragedies Danton's Death and Woyzeck, and his only comedy, Leonce and Lena, is rarely produced today. That is where Clonmel's adventurous Galloglass Theatre Company steps in. It has devised a five actor adaptation of the comedy, including Mia Gallagher and Hipe Brown (above), which promises to be a sumptuous feast for the senses, using translucent fabrics, colourful lighting and music by Mozart and Schubert to help beguile its audiences. It plays tonight in Clonmel's Parochial Hall, and then goes on national tour beginning next week in Wexford Arts Centre.