
... singing Christmas hymns before Christmas... is absurd... No carols should be used in church until Christmas Eve

. . . singing Christmas hymns before Christmas . . . is absurd . . . No carols should be used in church until Christmas Eve. And carol services should be restricted to the Christmas season.

Fr Vincent Twomey, professor emeritus of moral theology at Maynooth, writing in the current edition of Catholic publication, The Word

The implications are quite simple. We would cut ourselves apart from Europe. Rejecting the EU reform treaty in a referendum would have severe consequences for Ireland.

The Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern.


I said: "Bert, the boys and myself want you to have that . . . it's a few pounds we collected towards a deposit on a house."

Dermot Carew, a Dublin publican, describes to the Mahon tribunal how he and some friends gave the Taoiseach a "dig-out" in 1994 when Mr Ahern was minister for finance.

This isn't something done willy-nilly. This isn't something where an agency officer just wakes up in the morning and decides he's going to carry out an enhanced technique on a prisoner. This was a policy made at the White House.

John Kiriakou, a former CIA agent, says the use of waterboarding to torture terrorist suspects was approved by the White House.

My own country, the United States, is principally responsible for obstructing progress here in Bali - we all know that.

Al Gore, at the UN climate change summit in Indonesia.

In Gaza, the whole Strip is being strangled. Economically speaking, life there has become a nightmare.

Béatrice Mégevand-Roggo of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Tina is aware that Ike passed away. She has not had any contact with him in 35 years. No further comment will be made.

Michele Schweitzer, a spokeswoman for singer Tina Turner, reacting to the death of her former husband and duet partner, Ike Turner.

As someone born in Edinburgh, Scotland, it's always good to see the Scots doing well.

Former UK prime minister Tony Blair addresses George Bush's Scottish terrier, Barney, during an awkward cameo in the White House's annual Christmas video.

It's not Death TV as some people have claimed.

Etos TV founder Wolf Tilmann Schneider, who has announced plans for the world's first "bereavement channel" in Germany.

There are so many openings for Republican dirty tricks. It's hard to overcome.

Bill Shaheen, an adviser to Hillary Clinton, who is seeking the Democratic Party nomination for president, says her chief rival, Barack Obama, would be vulnerable to dirty tactics in the election proper because he has admitted to using drugs as a young man. He later resigned over the comments.

We got there earlier than we thought and just stayed in the van until morning.

Paul Fleming from Arklow, Co Wicklow, who queued overnight as the island's first Ikea store opens in Belfast.

The Arctic is screaming.

Global warming expert Mark Serreze as new figures suggest Arctic ice is melting faster than earlier thought.

I've seen her five times myself last week. We're getting sick of the sight of each other, we are seeing each other that much.

Mitch Winehouse, father of singer Amy, responds to a letter published in a British tabloid by his former wife begging their daughter to get in touch.

Maybe I'm just dumb, but having to spend six-and-a-half years in prison doesn't sound too relieving to me.

Patrick Fitzgerald, a US prosecutor, after lawyers for disgraced newspaper baron Conrad Black said he is "relieved" to have received a sentence.