Three jailed over killing of musician

THREE LOCAL men were jailed at the Crown Court in Derry yesterday for their involvement in the killing of a blues musician who…

THREE LOCAL men were jailed at the Crown Court in Derry yesterday for their involvement in the killing of a blues musician who was assaulted before being thrown into the river Foyle where he drowned.

Anthony Fahy (20), from Northland Avenue, who admitted to the September 28th, 2005, murder of James Guthrie Gilchrist, received an automatic life sentence with a recommendation that he should receive no remission for 13 years.

Daryl Quigley (21), from Crawford Square and Daniel Young (21), from Cornshell Fields, both of whom admitted to the manslaughter of Mr Gilchrist, a 62-year-old father of five from the Woodbrook area of Derry, were jailed for 10 years with two years’ probation.

A fourth man, David Young (27), from Jefferson Court, who admitted forging Mr Gilchrist’s stolen chequebook, was put on probation for one year.


The victim’s widow, Eileen Gilchrist, said yesterday was a difficult day for her.

“My husband never got to see our two lovely grandchildren. My life has been put on hold since my husband’s death, now I will have to try to move on, but I will never, until the day I die, forgive those who killed him,” she said.

Mr Justice Seamus Treacy told the three killers that their victim died “in tragic and horrific circumstances” and he said some people might wonder why the prosecution had agreed to accept pleas of manslaughter in respect of Daryl Quigley and Daniel Young.

“Mr Gilchrist was a much loved and widely respected and talented blues musician and bike enthusiast. On the night of his death he left the Oval Bar in the Waterside after a meeting of the Foyle Motorcycle Club.

“He was on his push bike and as he cycled along the cycle path along the river Foyle he had the grave misfortune to encounter Fahy, Daniel Young and Quigley.

“He was attacked, beaten unconscious and robbed. All three of you were under the influence of drink or drugs. Instead of leaving him in an injured state and alive, he was then dragged to the water’s edge and pushed into the river where he drowned”, he said.

Mr Justice Treacy said, although only Fahy had admitted to throwing Mr Gilchrist’s body into the river Foyle, he had “grave suspicions about the actual involvement” of Quigley and Daniel Young. “Both of you did nothing to prevent Mr Gilchrist from being dragged and pushed into the river,” he said.

The judge said initially the three killers had “mendaciously denied” their involvement in Mr Gilchrist’s death but after the trial had started they belatedly pleaded guilty to the offences.

During the sentencing members of Mr. Gilchrist’s family held up a photograph of him towards the defendants in the dock. Afterwards the family members criticised the sentences given to Quigley and Daniel Young.