Three men on drug charges

THREE MEN appeared in court in Dublin yesterday in connection with the seizure last Wednesday of heroin valued at €1

THREE MEN appeared in court in Dublin yesterday in connection with the seizure last Wednesday of heroin valued at €1.2 million.

Shane Maloney (27), Drimnagh Road, Brian Fitzpatrick (21), Orchard Lawns, Ballyfermot, and Andrew Anderson (23), Kylemore Drive, Ballyfermot, all Dublin, appeared before Dublin District Court in the Bridewell on separate charges of possession of drugs and possession for sale or supply.

All three were remanded in custody, two with consent to bail, to appear next Thursday at Cloverhill District Court. No application for bail was made for Mr Maloney.

Mr Fitzpatrick and Mr Anderson were both remanded in custody with consent to bail. Gardaí objected to both bail applications on a number of grounds, including the seriousness of the charges.


Mr Justice John Lindsay granted bail but ordered both men to follow a number of similar conditions requested by arresting gardaí.

Mr Fitzpatrick was granted consent to bail on the condition that he provided his own bond of €5,000 and a cash lodgment of €15,000. An independent surety of €75,000 was also required, including €35,000 in a bank account and €40,000 represented by property.

Mr Anderson was granted bail on the condition that he provided his own bond of €5,000 and a cash lodgement of €10,000. He was also to provide an independent surety of €50,000.

Conditions of bail for both men included signing on twice daily at Ballyfermot Garda station. Both were also ordered to surrender their passports.

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery is Deputy Head of Audience at The Irish Times