Tough road laws proposed for North

Careless drivers who cause deaths on the roads could face up to five years in jail, it was revealed today.

Careless drivers who cause deaths on the roads could face up to five years in jail, it was revealed today.

Tough proposed motoring penalties will also involve maximum £5,000 fines for ignoring police demands to stop, and it will be an offence to carry certain anti-speed detection devices.

Unlicensed, disqualified or uninsured drivers who cause death face a maximum two years in prison.

Police will also have powers to deal with offenders riding mini-motorcycles and motorised scooters which are causing annoyance.


Officers will be granted further powers to require breath tests at the roadside or in hospital.

NIO Minister Paul Goggins said the proposals would be part of the 2007 Criminal Justice Order. "Too many people are killed or seriously injured on our roads as a result of irresponsible or careless driving," he said.

"I believe that these new measures will provide reassurance to victims and their families that the government will not tolerate such dangerous actions on our roads."