Two hurt in fire at Belfast detention centre

A fire at a young offenders' centre in Northern Ireland left two members of staff requiring medical treatment, the North's Prison…

A fire at a young offenders' centre in Northern Ireland left two members of staff requiring medical treatment, the North's Prison Service said.

Disturbances at the Hydebank complex on the outskirts of south Belfast are believed to have involved 10 to 12 inmates, all of whom escaped injury.

Four fire engines and an ambulance crew attended the centre to help deal with the situation, which took place between the centre's dining room and landing areas.

It is not known whether a single blaze or several fires had been lit.


A Prison Service spokeswoman confirmed an incident had occurred which the authorities were now conducting an inquiry into.

"There was an incident earlier this evening involving a small number of inmates at the Young Offenders Centre," she said.

"There have been no injuries to inmates and two members of staff have received minor injuries.

"An assessment of the damage that has been caused will now be made as part ofa wider investigation into the disturbance.''

The emergency services attended and the situation has been brought under control by staff, she added.

Chairman of the Northern Ireland Prison Officers' Association Mr Fin Spratt, revealed the inmates had embarked on a campaign of destruction within the centre.

He said: "We believe they barricaded themselves into the dining hall and proceeded to wreck the dining hall and cause quite a substantial amount of damage."