UCD students re-run ballot over Coke products

Students at University College Dublin (UCD) started voting today on a referendum to overturn a recent decision to ban the sale…

Students at University College Dublin (UCD) started voting today on a referendum to overturn a recent decision to ban the sale of Coca-Cola products in student union shops.

Voting in the "outlying" campuses will take place today with a ballot for the main Belfield premises being held tomorrow.

The UCD students' union officer, Mr Michael Clark told ireland.cominitial reports indicated a higher turnout than in the first vote on the subject. There are 19,964 students registered to vote in the university.

On October 15th, a motion banning Coca-Cola from five students union shops over alleged human rights abuses was passed by 1,629 votes in favour to 1,570 against.


However, Mr Michael Binchy, a 3rd year law student has gathered more than 800 signatures on a petition suggesting the ban be overturned.

Under UCD student union rules once a petition in excess of 3.5 per cent of those registered to vote has been collected a referendum can be called.

Mr Clark said voting will end at 9.45 p.m. tomorrow. Counting will start immediately with a result expected before midnight.

He added that the second referendum was costing the students union €5,000. The UCD students union has indicated it may look at its rules for running referenda in order to prevent repeat ballots on the same issue recurring.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times