UCG adds to criticism of "stifling" Bill

THE Universities Bill is a "heavy handed and bureaucratically stifling" piece of legislation which would paralyse creativity, …

THE Universities Bill is a "heavy handed and bureaucratically stifling" piece of legislation which would paralyse creativity, innovation and efficiency in the colleges, according to University College Galway, which has added its criticism to statements already made by other universities.

In a strongly worded response to the Bill, UCG says the Minister for Education's proposed legislation is "suspicious of and hostile to" the universities, and its provisions reflect a lack of trust in their objectives.

Substantial amendments and deletions are required unless it is decided to withdraw the Bill for major redrafting - if "irreparabled harm" is not to be done to the universities.

The regulations set out in the Bill are "puzzlingly at odds" with all earlier statements from Ms Breathnach on the need to guard the freedom of the universities, it says. They are also at odds with principles of good management.


UCG expresses particular concern about the regulatory role proposed for the Higher Education Authority.

Consolidating managerial and decision making functions with the HEA and giving it a "presiding presence" in every aspect of university operations would amount to "a fatal invasion of normal managerial competence".

The effective management of the colleges by their boards and presidents would be rendered "almost a nullity". "It would certainly severely constrain their capacity to respond dynamically and creatively to new challenges and opportunities."

Some of the provisions are more stringent than those applied to semi state bodies, it suggests. The legislation should be prefaced by a declaration acknowledging the freedom proper to a university.

UCD and UCC have also criticised aspects of the Bill, which was moved in the Dail last week. Ms Breathnach has said she will bring forward amendments to the legislation at a later stage.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.