Union members vote for strike at bookshop chain over pay

A DISPUTE over pay increases due to staff at a bookshop chain has intensified after its trade union members voted overwhelmingly…

A DISPUTE over pay increases due to staff at a bookshop chain has intensified after its trade union members voted overwhelmingly for industrial action.

Workers at Byrne's Bookstores, which has 21 outlets around the country, are to stage a one-day strike next week as part of the ongoing disagreement.

The trade union Mandate says a 3 per cent wage increase was promised to staff under the auspices of the Labour Relations Commission in August 2006, but an increase due to workers last January has not yet been granted.

Mandate said it balloted members following the breach and an "overwhelming majority" voted in favour of taking industrial action.


Linda Tanham, Mandate assistant general secretary, said the union has given Byrne's Bookstores several opportunities to meet to resolve the issues in dispute, but the company was not prepared to address the issue.

"It now looks likely that pickets will be placed at Byrne's Bookstores on Tuesday, August 19th," she said.

Despite the indications from Mandate, Byrne's Bookstores yesterday played down the possibility of strike action.

"Byrne's have been in direct dialogue with all of our store employees and can confirm that there is no strike action planned for Tuesday, 19th August in any of our stores," the company said in a statement.

"At the request of our employees we will continue, as always, to talk directly with our employee representatives to resolve any issues our team members may have."

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times