Union seeks answers on NIB future from CEO

The Irish Bank Officials Association (IBOA) is meeting the chief executive of Northern and National Irish Banks today over the…

The Irish Bank Officials Association (IBOA) is meeting the chief executive of Northern and National Irish Banks today over the bank's plans to sell both Irish banks.

Speaking in advance of the meeting with Mr Don Price, IBOA general secretary Mr Larry Broderick said: "IBOA members are appalled at the manner in which the proposed sale of their bank is being managed. Staff are unsure whether their bank is to be sold, downsized, closed down or whatever.

"Customers are regularly asking front line staff what is going on and whether they will have a bank in six months time or not. This is a deplorable way to treat loyal staff and customers," he said.

"It is the staff, through their hard work and commitment over many years who have built up the banks and for them to be now treated in such a manner is totally unacceptable to IBOA," he continued.


"Neither staff or customers are aware of what is going on and it is IBOA's view that this situation cannot be allowed to continue unabated."

"At our meeting with Mr. Price and his senior management team, IBOA will be demanding that the bank issue immediate clarification as to the exact situation and provide details of what contingency plans they have prepared," Mr Broderick said.

"It is IBOA's firm contention that both Northern and National Irish Bank are well equipped to have a bright and prosperous future and will be seeking guarantees that there will be no compulsory redundancies or branch closures," he said.