Unionist anger at recruit's medal

Unionist politicians have expressed outrage at a PSNI recruit wearing a War of Independence medal at a passing-out ceremony.

Unionist politicians have expressed outrage at a PSNI recruit wearing a War of Independence medal at a passing-out ceremony.

Fermanagh Ulster Unionist Assembly member Tom Elliott has demanded that the PSNI take action to prevent such displays after the December edition of the Police Gazette carried a picture of a PSNI graduating officer wearing the medal.

A relative of the officer fought in the War of Independence, it is understood, and was awarded the medal, which was issued by the government in 1941 to honour those IRA members who were in the war.

It features a ribbon and is inscribed with the image of a rifle-bearing soldier and the words, "Éire" and "Cogadh na Saoirse", meaning "War of Independence". It also shows the coats of arms of the four Irish provinces.


Wearing these medals is permitted under police regulations, according to the PSNI. "It is an accepted tradition for an officer to wear medals which have been awarded by a state to a close relative on the right chest during appropriate ceremonies," a spokeswoman said.

Mr Elliott, however, said it was "frankly disgusting" that the officer could wear the medal. It must never happen again, he said. "It is highly insensitive given the history of the police and their respected role in holding the line against the IRA over many years here. It is also grossly insulting to the families of many policemen and women who were murdered or maimed by the IRA."

DUP Assembly member for Fermanagh Arlene Foster said DUP members would raise "this unpleasant incident" at the next meeting of the Policing Board.Those who permitted the graduate to wear the medal must be brought to account. "It is quite simply offensive that a new police recruit should don a medal honouring the very terrorists who have murdered so many police officers through the years."

SDLP policing spokesman Alex Attwood said wearing the medal was "proper" and in line with police rules and that unionists must realise "there are other traditions and histories on this island.

"The Irish War of Independence was a very different matter from the legal, immoral and unjust use of violence by the provisional movement. Unionism should have the wisdom and maturity to recognise this. The SDLP urges unionism to go in that direction."

Mr Attwood added: "The nationalist community increasingly recognises and acknowledges the other histories on this island, that of unionism and their allegiances. That is the right thing to do. Unionism should adopt the same standard when it comes to nationalism on this island."

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times