Value of retail sales continue to rise

The value of retail sales rose by seven per cent in February compared to the same period last year, according to figures released…

The value of retail sales rose by seven per cent in February compared to the same period last year, according to figures released today by the Central Statistics Office.

However on a three month basis which is a more effective indicator of consumption trends, sales volume fell one per cent in the three months to February 28th compared to the three month ending in November.

New car sales fell by nine per cent in January compared to the same month last year. Much of this fall-off is explained by the exceptional volume of new car sales last year as motorist scrambled to buy "00" registrations.

The largest increase in sales volume was seen in medical and cosmetics goods mainly bought in pharmacies which rose by 9.7 per cent on last year.


January is the latest month for which detailed retail figures are available.