Vocations director says Pope's death had deep effect on young people

The last days of Pope John Paul II had a profound effect on young people, according to the Catholic Church's vocations director…

The last days of Pope John Paul II had a profound effect on young people, according to the Catholic Church's vocations director in Ireland.

Father Kevin Doran made his comment following the news that eight men are to be ordained from St Patrick's College, Maynooth, this year.

He said that last year for the first time in 20 years, there was a significant rise in the number of new seminarians at Maynooth and already there were signs that the dying, death and funeral of John Paul last month made a deep impression on young people. Those events may inspire young people to reflect more deeply on the implications of their Christian vocation.

Currently 60 men are studying for the priesthood in Maynooth, the national seminary since 1795.


The number of ordinations from the college last year was eight, and nine in 2003.

The eight men to be ordained this year are Rory Coyle for Armagh diocese; Anthony O'Mahony for Cork and Ross; Kevin Duddy and Peter O'Kane for Derry diocese; Patrick Hughes, for Kildare and Leighlin; Christopher O'Donnell for Limerick diocese; Patrick Donnelly for Meath and Mile Vidic from Bosnia.

Father Doran said their ordinations would be a sign of hope to those already ministering as priests and a source of encouragement to others who may be considering the priesthood.

Mgr Dermot Farrell, president of St Patrick's College, noted that Pope Benedict had said the priest should be "a man of prayer, a truly 'spiritual' man. Without strong spiritual substance, he cannot last in his ministry."

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times