Warning of chaos if taxi drivers' strike goes ahead

Taxi drivers look set to bring chaos to towns and cities next month after insisting today they will go ahead with plans for strike…

Taxi drivers look set to bring chaos to towns and cities next month after insisting today they will go ahead with plans for strike action in a row over fares.

Members of the Cork branch of the Taxi Drivers Federation voted for an overnight stoppage from 10pm on Saturday June 3 in an attempt to prevent changes to work practices proposed by the Taxi Regulator.

The strike, which is being backed by the National Taxi Drivers Union, will mean no taxis running in anywhere from 10pm at night to 5am the next morning.

Tommie Gorman, head of the NTDU, said the stoppage would be supported 100 per cent and warned of chaos on the streets.


"That is going to create a big problem for gardaí because all the people will be out on the streets," he warned.

Drivers are unhappy with proposals put forward by Regulator Ger Deering to bring in a new charging structure in September.

The changes are the result of the most extensive review of taxi, hackney and limousine services and vehicle standards in Ireland. Brought in on a phased basis they should be fully in place by 2008.

The first set of changes includes a standardised fare system throughout the country.

Other reforms include a new complaints system for customers, a centralised licensing system and extra training for drivers. Mr Gorman said some drivers could be out of pocket by as much as 20 per cent a year.

It would be unfair to allow drivers to operate in towns and cities around the country for a week or month at a time by taking a simple knowledge test.

The NTDU, however, want to see the Regulator agree to levy a 50 cent fuel surcharge once oil rises above a certain price.